Setting up HBase and Stargate

To quickly get started with development, you can set up HBase to run as a single server on your local computer, along with Stargate, its RESTful web service front-end.

(1) Download and unpack the most recent release of HBase from

(2) Edit (hbase-dir)/conf/ and uncomment/modify the following line to correspond to your Java home path:

  export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun

(3) Copy (hbase-dir)/contrib/stargate/hbase-<version>-stargate.jar into <hbase-dir>/lib

(4) Copy all the files in the (hbase-dir)/contrib/stargate/lib folder into <hbase-dir>/lib

(5) Start up HBase:

  $ (hbase-dir)/bin/

(6)Start up Stargate (append "-p 1234" at the end if you want to change the port):

  $ (hbase-dir)/bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.stargate.Main

Setting up Bigrecord

(1) Install the Bigrecord Driver gem and its dependencies, then start up a DRb server. Please see the Bigrecord Driver documentation for more detailed instructions. (

(2) Add the following line into the do |config| block:

  config.gem "bigrecord", :source => ""

and run the following command to install all the gems listed for your Rails app:

  [sudo] rake gems:install

(3) Bootstrap Bigrecord into your project:

  script/generate bigrecord

(4) Edit the config/bigrecord.yml[.sample] file in your Rails root to the information corresponding to the Stargate server.

    adapter: hbase_rest
    api_address: http://localhost:8080

Note: 8080 is the default port that Stargate starts up on. Make sure you modify this if you changed the port from the default.